Risk Management

CWSAMS understands the importance of a pro-active Risk Management and Quality Control Program to protect the interests of the government, prevent conflict of interest, and prevent loss and damage to property and individuals. By implementing Risk Management procedures and a Quality Control program, CWSAMS has maintained an adverse incident rate of .001 of asset value over the last five years. In addition, we have had no major adverse findings from Government audits. We attribute our low loss rate to training and oversight of Property Managers, thorough evaluation of properties, recommendation and implementation of security measures in high crime areas, effective reporting systems, and preparation for natural disasters and rapid response in the aftermath of events.

Our Risk Management services include:

  • Develop Risk Management Plan including identification of risk challenges and risk mitigation strategies
  • Conduct Risk Assessments for all program areas
  • Develop and implement Quality Control Plans
  • Monitor and track Adverse Incidents and develop plans for corrective action