
Over the past 6 years, CWSAMS has obtained more than 10,000 property appraisals nationwide for investigative agencies. With years of experience, knowledge of the appraisal environment, and a vast list of capable vendors, CWSAMS assigns each appraisal to the vendor for which it is best suited to provide the most accurate and timely product. We work with clients to develop an understanding of their needs and select the type of valuation that provides the most accurate analysis data possible.

Valuation services for residential, land, and commercial properties include:

  • Broker’s Price Opinion (BPO): letter of opinion by a real estate broker based on the broker’s knowledge of the local market and recent sales comparables. This service does not include pictures or a drive by of the property.
  • On-Line Appraisal: generated by an online service which will in most cases provide sales comparables, and will usually give low, medium, and high value for a specified property.
  • Drive-by Appraisal or Limited Scope Appraisal: conducted by a state certified or licensed appraiser is limited to the exterior only roadside inspection of property
  • Residential and Commercial Property Appraisal: conducted by a state certified/licensed appraiser. The Uniform Residential Appraisal Report contains the appraised value, an examination of the exterior and interior of the premises (with photos, 6 interior minimum) and supporting documentation which includes but is not limited to comparables, maps, floor plans, and unit plans.
  • Multi-Family Dwelling Appraisal: conducted by a state certified/licensed appraiser, for properties with 2 to four (4) units. The Uniform Residential Appraisal Report contains the appraised value, an examination of the exterior and interior of the premises (with photos, 6 interior minimum) and supporting documentation which includes but is not limited to comparables, maps, floor plans, and unit plans.
  • Land Appraisal Report: conducted by a state certified/licensed appraiser. The Uniform Residential Appraisal Report appraised value determined by: comparables, driving by the property, a full professional survey and supporting documentation of the property and comparables.